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Experiments on Carbon Fiber by High Shear Mixed Emulsifier
Time:2019/1/8 9:19:31 Read:1021

In 2018, a Shandong New Materials Company purchased a homogeneous emulsifying pump with the trust of our company. Our company was not in a hurry to sign the contract. After carefully inquiring about the user's product situation, the user is asked to provide some samples of raw materials. At the request of our company, users provided some raw materials. First of all, we use a super high-speed laboratory emulsifier with a rotating speed of 18,000 rpm. The equipment runs for 30 minutes. After sampling, the fineness of raw materials is 5-10 mm. On the basis of the original sample, we continued to test for 30 minutes and sampled again. The results showed that the fineness remained unchanged. We selected a 1.1 kW three-stage homogeneous emulsifying pump, and took some materials, proportionally matched, tested again, and sampled and tested after 30 minutes, 50 minutes and 50 minutes respectively. The results were the same as those of sampling, and the fineness remained unchanged. For the final verification, we continued the experiment, the time was extended to 90 minutes. After sampling, we came to the conclusion that the effect of emulsifier on the treatment of carbon fibers was not ideal and not applicable.

Shanghai High Shear Emulsifier Shanghai High Shear Homogeneous Emulsifier Pump Shanghai Precision Grinding Pump

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