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Points for Attention in Use of High Shear Homogenizing Emulsifier
Time:2018/12/30 9:46:46 Read:980

High shear homogenizing emulsifier has good mechanical structure and good mechanical properties. At the same time, high shear mixing emulsifier is widely used in many chemical fields. It is a popular chemical equipment.
Matters needing attention in use: 1. When the emulsifier is connected to the power supply, the direction of the emulsifier head should be in accordance with the label, and can not be reversed. 2. The emulsifier should run smoothly and the swing range should not be too large. 3. The mobile emulsifier should move smoothly, not too fast, so as to avoid crooked, injuring or breaking the machine. 4. Before starting the machine, the emulsifying head must be submerged below the liquid level. 4. Always check if the power cord is damaged to avoid leakage.

Shanghai High Shear Emulsifier Shanghai High Shear Homogeneous Emulsifier Pump Shanghai Precision Grinding Pump

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