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How to Clean Basket Grinder
Time:2018/12/22 15:17:24 Read:914

For the basket grinder fixed in the reactor, when cleaning, water or corresponding solvents should be added to the reactor. The number of water or solvents should be the lowest at half the height of the basket above the sinking grinding basket. The water after cleaning should enter the sedimentation tank, and the solvents should be stored in different categories.
For the lifting basket grinder, the cleaning is relatively simple. Place the basket directly in the cylinder containing the solution and start the motor to roll slowly, then it can be cleaned. For the production of materials containing solvents, it is necessary to clean them with the corresponding solvents according to the above methods. After cleaning, the cleaning solution is stored separately, which can be used for future production.
Shanghai Basket Grinder Shanghai Static Mixer Shanghai Disperse Emulsifier

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