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Grinding Medium of Basket Grinder
Time:2018/12/22 15:19:25 Read:952

When we use basket grinder, if the speed is less than 1000 r/min, the material activity is better, when the material hardness is small, 85 zirconium beads can be selected. When the speed is more than 1000 r/min, 95 zirconium beads must be selected. Otherwise, zirconium beads will be easily worn and broken, which will lead to blockage of the filter screen.
Because of the characteristics of basket grinder, the grinding medium is usually zirconia beads. Zirconia beads, also known as "TZP" zirconia beads, are made of micron and sub-nanometer zirconia and yttrium oxide as raw materials. They are used for ultra-fine grinding and dispersion of materials requiring "zero pollution" and high viscosity and hardness. The zirconia beads we often use are 85 zirconium, 95 zirconium, etc.
In addition, the size of the grinding medium should be determined according to the size of the filter screen at the bottom of the grinding basket.
The selection of grinding media should be based on the requirements of production process, including the speed of grinding machine, the number of materials, the viscosity and hardness of materials.
The agitating blade of the basket grinder is mounted on the dispersed independent axle sleeve, and the rotational speed can be set. The grinding basket is equipped with grinding medium, which is generally zirconia beads.

Basket grinder is suitable for small batch production (easy to change colour). Pre-dispersion and grinding can be completed in a grinding tank. The spindle can adjust speed, run smoothly, have low noise, less accessory equipment, easy to clean, and easy to change the grinding medium.

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