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What are the applications of emulsifiers in the industry
Time:2018/12/14 11:17:10 Read:1049


Toothpaste is our household appliances, but there will be some difficulties in the production process. Different kinds of solids need to be dispersed into the aqueous phase in the manufacturing process. These solids include thickeners (such as CMC, cellulose, xanthan gum, etc.), abrasives (such as silica), perfumes, pigments and other components (such as fluorides). Traditional mixing technology takes a long time to solve the problem of product agglomeration and agglomeration, and the product is not stable, the two phases are easily separated, and raw materials are wasted. Mixed dispersing equipment can help you solve the above problems.
Advantages of emulsifier in toothpaste manufacturing:
* Improve product quality. High shear mixing in industrial production ensures that solids can be fully and rapidly dispersed in liquid phase.
* Simplify filtering and reduce waste. High shear mixer can avoid agglomeration, ensure maximum contact between solid and liquid, fully humidified, thus eliminating filtration and reducing waste.
* Save time. Traditional methods require longer stirring time to fully wet the powder. The innovative design of the dispersing head ensures that the raw materials are quickly dispersed to the aqueous phase for full wetting and is completed step by step.
* Easy to upgrade. Unlike equipment manufactured by other manufacturers, industrial equipment can easily transit from small laboratory instruments to large-scale equipment in production by maintaining the same shear rate and linear speed, without requiring users to redesign and select in the process from R&D to overproduction.

Frost, ointment, Lotion
Frost, ointment, liquid detergent, and many other products have similar manufacturing processes. Processing is usually done by adding thickeners, pigments, perfumes or the like.
The other active agent is hydrated and dispersed into another oil or water phase, then two phases are emulsified, cooled and packaged. The difficulty lies in how to be effective.
Hydrated powders (often difficult to disperse) and how to effectively emulsify two phases and obtain homogeneous products. Industrial equipment can solve these problems.
Advantages of emulsifier in making facial creams, ointments and lotions:
* Improve homogeneity and control viscosity effectively.  The viscosity of the final product often depends on the hydration level of the thickener and the size of the emulsified particles. tradition
The method can not ensure the complete hydration of the thickener, nor can it ensure the formation of a narrow range of particle size distribution after emulsification. A series of high shears
Mixing equipment can solve the above problems.
The strong shearing effect produced by the rotation of the dispersing head can completely hydrate the thickener and achieve a relatively stable viscosity. Mixer can
The emulsification process is sufficient and stable, and narrow particle size distribution can be obtained. According to different application requirements, if we want to get more accurate particle size
Small, you need to choose the most suitable dispersing head and mixing tool.
* Save time. Traditional methods take a long time to inflow solids and form the last emulsion. Industrial equipment can provide strong energy.
Quantity input accelerates these processes, thus reducing a large amount of time consumption.

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