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What are the forms of batch emulsifier
Time:2018/12/4 11:06:07 Read:847

Intermittent emulsifier can be divided into one-way suction and two-way suction according to suction mode; emulsifier can be divided into mobile and fixed type according to working mode; mobile emulsifier can be divided into manual hydraulic lifting support, pneumatic lifting support and electric hydraulic lifting support according to support; fixed emulsifier can be divided into plug-in high shear emulsifier and plug-in emulsifier. 。 The shape of the emulsifying head is teeth, mesh, long and round.
Technical parameters of batch emulsifier:

Model Power Turn Processing Capacity kg (Water) Shape Size (Total Length *Underwater Length)
GRY-101 1.1 2880 100 760*500
GRY-105 4 2880 200 1090*750
GRY-110 7.5 2880 1000 1270*850
GRY-115 11 2880 1000 1480*1000
GRY-120 15 2880 1500 1640*1000
GRY-125 18.5 1440 2000 1960*1300
GRY-130 22 1440 3000 2100*1500
GRY-150 37 1440 5000 2950*1800
GRY-175 55 1440 6000 3500*2100
GRY-1110 75 1440 7000 3900*2400

Shanghai Emulsifier Zhejiang Basket Grinder Guangzhou Emulsifier Pump

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