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Processing of Rotor Stator of Emulsifier
Time:2018/12/1 16:13:43 Read:831

The high shear emulsifier completes emulsification, dispersive grinding, homogenization and mixing by the relative high-speed movement of the rotating stator. The principle is that under the strong shear force produced by high-speed rotation, the products that need to be mixed will be crushed and emulsified, which can be used for continuous emulsification or dispersion of multiphase liquid media, and also for the transport of low-viscosity liquid media. It can also realize continuous mixing of powder and liquid in proportion. It is widely used in daily chemical, food, medicine, and chemical industry. Industry, petroleum, coatings, nanomaterials and other fields.
Emulsifier stator processing has the following ways: 1, milling machine processing. Using milling cutter to milling shear teeth on the processed blank, the processing time is short, but the force of the teeth is large and the deformation is easy. 2. WEDM. Several equal parts are separated on the blank, and shear teeth are cut according to the design requirements. The size of this method is more accurate, but the disadvantage is long time and low efficiency. 3, laser cutting. Using computer to cut accurately, this method has high efficiency and precise size, but the processing cost is high.

Guangdong Emulsifier Shandong Basket Grinder Zhejiang Emulsifier Pump

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