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Alternative Application of Horizontal Mixer
Time:2018/12/1 16:21:32 Read:811

Horizontal mixer is the best equipment for mixing wet and dry powdery materials to achieve uniform mixing. Horizontal mixer should be selected when powder/powder or granular materials are mixed. This equipment has high mixing efficiency, good mixing quality, short unloading time and less residue. When mixing, the material in the tank moves alternately by two rotors moving in opposite directions. The material along the inner wall of the tank rotates clockwise and counter-clockwise, and moves in both directions in the same direction, and is pushed outward and inward. As a result, the multi-dimensional convective circulation and shear seepage in the material barrel are caused, which is relatively short. Material mixing is completed in time. In fact, the horizontal mixer also has an alternative role - screw conveyor. According to the principle of horizontal mixer, we can use horizontal mixer to transport materials remotely and mix them in the process of conveying so as to achieve the purpose of mixing uniformly. At the same time, the material is conveyed to the next process, which saves the mixing time. The two processes become one process and greatly improves the production efficiency.

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