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Operational Guidelines for Water Deficiency Protectors of High Shear Emulsification Pumps
Time:2018/12/3 17:37:01 Read:911

The main function of the water shortage protector of emulsified pump is to ensure that the mechanical seal will not be burned out when the cooling device of the mechanical seal fails during the operation of the emulsified pump. It is a protective device of the mechanical seal.
1. Water-shortage protector water pipe connection diagram is as follows:

2. Pre-boot operation sequence
A. Open the tap water flow at the inlet end (no impurity pollution. Ensure the inlet water pressure P > 0.2Mpa), and the ball valve is fully opened to ensure the smooth flow at the outlet end of the pipe. P_P_P_P
B. In the case of checking the axle and stator of emulsifier without rubbing and jamming (manual disk rotation checking), open the power switch in the water-shortage protector, adjust the opening degree of the ball valve to make the inlet and outlet water pressure P-P1 (> 1kg), ensure that the outlet has water outflow, and smooth for a long time. The emulsifier starts to work normally.
C. It is strictly forbidden to use impurity sewage at the import end to enter the water shortage protector, and to open the emulsifier system when the water at the import end and the outlet end is not smooth.

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