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Several important dimensions of the emulsifier
Time:2018/11/14 9:02:20 Read:829

The emulsifier is a high-speed moving rotary stator to achieve the function of emulsification and homogenization. In high-speed operation, the emulsification machine generates vibration, shaft end oscillation, shaft radial pulsation, etc., so when emulsifier is designed, all effects are emulsified. The factors of machine failure are taken into account. Nowadays, many manufacturers do not have real mechanical design technology. They can also draw pictures, and the manufactured parts can be assembled, but the design principles and mechanical manuals of the principle, tolerance, safety factor and material performance of the equipment parts are unfamiliar. Therefore, several important dimensions of the emulsifier are not designed as required:
1, shaft diameter, length, shaft end runout tolerance
2, the length of the cage and the diameter of the connecting rod
3. Diameter of copper sleeve bearing and length dimension of copper sleeve bearing
4. The diameter, wall thickness, tolerance of over-coupling, etc. of the connecting sleeve of the motor and the emulsifier shaft
Key words emulsifier static mixer basket mill emulsification pump

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