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What is the structure of the pipeline emulsifying machine?
Time:2018/11/1 11:08:31 Read:1096

There are many ways to call pipeline emulsifier, such as emulsifying pump, homogeneous emulsifying pump, high shear emulsifying pump, mixed emulsifying pump, continuous emulsifying machine, on-line emulsifying machine and so on. The structure of emulsion pump is generally motor, coupling, shaft, connecting barrel, mechanical seal, emulsifying chamber, emulsifying stator, end cover, material inlet, material outlet, base of emulsifying pump. Among them, the rotating stator of emulsifying pump is divided into single-layer rotating stator, two-layer rotating stator, three-layer rotating stator and more-layer rotating stator. The horizontal, 8 and 10 layers turn the stator, the 16 layer, and the 16 layer to the stator. Shanghai pipeline emulsifier has high rotational speed, good shearing effect, long service life and convenient maintenance. Shanghai emulsifier gives users more choices.
Keywords emulsifier static mixer basket type lapping machine laboratory emulsifier

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