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What are the emulsifying equipment?
Time:2018/10/15 9:51:12 Read:785

There are many kinds of emulsifying equipment, generally speaking, separate emulsifying equipment, combined emulsifying equipment, composite emulsifying equipment, complete emulsifying equipment, etc.
Single emulsifying equipment: mobile emulsifier, laboratory emulsifier, pipeline emulsifier (emulsifying pump).
Combined emulsifying equipment: batch emulsifier + emulsifying pump, batch emulsifier + bottom emulsifier, batch emulsifier + bottom emulsifier + emulsifying pump, etc.
Compound emulsifying equipment: it is in the reactor according to needs and process requirements, configuration of appropriate emulsifier, and configuration of low-speed mixer, disperser or other mixers, summarized as emulsifier + other mixers.
Complete set of emulsifying equipment: according to the production process needs, a set of emulsifying equipment can complete all the production action, and finally the production of products. Such a set of equipment has emulsifier, reaction kettle, mixer, disperser, static mixer, filter, instrument, electrical equipment, operating platform, etc.
Keywords Shanghai emulsification equipment static mixer basket type lapping machine laboratory emulsifier

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