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How is latex paint produced?
Time:2018/9/24 7:54:28 Read:770

The production process of latex paint is more complicated, and there are many formulas. The types and models of added materials are also very complicated. The requirements for emulsion and titanium dioxide are relatively high. Different types and grades of emulsion and titanium dioxide have great influence on the quality of latex paint.
The production process of latex paint is simple: 1. First, add water according to the ratio in the container. 2. Turn on the mixer and add various powders. 3. After the powder is added, the emulsifier is turned on and the mixer continues to run. 4. Run for about 40 minutes, stop the emulsifier, continue to run at low speed, and add the emulsion according to the ratio. 5. Stir for about 10 minutes, add auxiliary materials such as thickener, leveling agent, cellulose, ammonia, etc., and continue to stir. 6. Stir for about 10 minutes and sample for testing. 7. Add the pigment and stir for about 15 minutes. 8. Sampling and testing, stop mixing after filling, filling and packaging. 9, the end of production, cleaning containers, emulsifiers, mixers.

Key words emulsifier, laboratory disperser, static mixer, Shanghai coating equipment

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