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Application of emulsion pump in sugar making process
Time:2018/9/12 8:40:04 Read:690

White sugar, brown sugar, and cane sugar are commonly eaten. All three sugars are actually sucrose. Sugar is made by pressing sugarcane or beet juice, filtering out impurities, then adding a moderate amount of lime water to the filtrate, neutralizing the acid (because sucrose is easily hydrolyzed to glucose and fructose under acidic conditions). Then filtering, removing precipitation, and filtering the filtrate. Carbon dioxide is passed in. The lime water is precipitated into calcium carbonate. The filtrate is then filtered again. The filtrate is the water solution of sucrose. The sucrose water is put in a vacuum to evaporate. Concentrate. Cool. There is a red-brown slightly sticky crystallization. This is brown sugar. The coloured matter is adsorbed and decoloured and finally the white sugar is obtained.
The function of high shear emulsifier in making sugar is to make lime water saturated liquid. Shanghai Hongsheng emulsifying machine has been widely used in sugar industry.

Keywords laboratory emulsifier laboratory disperser static mixer emulsification pump

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