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乳化机加工乳品容易出现的问题 Problems prone to emulsifying machine processing dairy products
Time:2018/9/7 8:51:17 Read:807

With the improvement of people's living conditions, people have great demand for food nutrition. Especially in recent years, the demand for dairy products has developed rapidly. All kinds of dairy products have appeared, meeting the needs of all classes and tastes.
In the production of dairy products, including emulsifying homogenizer and other equipment has also made a great contribution to the development of dairy products. Emulsifiers are also prone to problems in production: 1. The plug-in emulsifier is equipped with mechanical seals under vacuum production conditions, but the best mechanical seals will be in operation problems, leakage, mechanical seal cooling fluid will be leaked into the container in an unknown period of time, the contamination of dairy products. . 2. The working head of high shear emulsifier has bearings. If the emulsifier runs for a long time, the bearings will be worn out, and the abrasive debris will enter the dairy products, and it will also pollute the dairy products. 3, emulsifying machine for a long time immersed in dairy liquid, if there is a problem with the material, it will pollute the dairy products.

Keywords laboratory emulsifier; pipeline emulsifier; static mixer.

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