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Configuration relationship between emulsifying machine and container
Time:2018/9/4 8:26:15 Read:885

The emulsion reactor in the reactor is first calculated.
Selecting emulsifying machine according to the parameter table of emulsifying machine

Inquires the emulsification head diameter A, the emulsification machine liquid length H
The diameter of the query container is D, and the height of the container is H.
The formula is H= (2--3) A.
D= (5--10) A
If the physical properties of the material are ideal, the model of the emulsifier can be determined according to this formula; if the physical properties of the material are relatively bad, such as high viscosity, high hardness, poor solubility, etc., the working capacity of the emulsifier should be increased on this basis, and the model with larger processing capacity should be selected.

If the volume is more than 3000 litres, because the diameter and height of the cylinder are relatively large, it is necessary to consider the position of the emulsifying head. The container should be symmetrically equipped with two emulsifying heads. The height of the emulsifying head in the container should be scientifically staggered up and down, or equipped with the bottom emulsifier.

Keywords laboratory emulsifier static mixer reactor

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