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High speed disperser
Time:2018/8/19 19:34:57 Read:907

      The high-speed dispersing machine is divided into two types, mobile and fixed, and is installed on the top or bottom of the pulping tank. The motor adopts electromagnetic speed regulating motor or frequency conversion speed regulation, which has good starting performance and stable work. The shape of the dispersing disc, the material and the installation method of the dispersing machine can be customized according to the requirements of the household. The mobile high-speed disperser is a comprehensive equipment for stirring, mixing, dispersing and dissolving two or more liquid and solid powder materials. There are laboratory dispersers, pilot decentralizers, etc. The high-speed disperser has little air occlusion when it is stirred and dispersed. It is excellent for dissolving and dispersing liquid and liquid solid phase materials, and the equipment can also solve the mixing, stirring and dispersion of various high and low viscosity liquids.

Key words laboratory emulsifier, laboratory disperser, static mixer

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