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Type of waterproof coating and production equipment
Time:2018/8/19 17:49:35 Read:1051

Waterproof coating equipment is available in a variety of configurations. It can be directly processed by high-speed dispersing machines and high-shear emulsifiers. Complex heating and cooling processes are required. It is necessary to avoid the occurrence of demulsification in the equipment configuration, especially after the addition of the emulsion or after the film formation, the high-speed stirring equipment is no longer used, such as: high-speed dispersing machine, high-shear emulsifier, and the like.
Waterproof coatings can be divided into emulsion type, solvent type, reactive type and modified asphalt according to the state and form of the coating.

There are two main types of waterproof materials on the market: one is polyurethane waterproof coating. Such materials are generally made from polyurethane and coal tar as raw materials. The coke that it volatilizes is highly toxic and not easily removed, so it was banned in China in the early 1920s. The other type is a polymer cement based waterproof coating. It consists of an emulsion of a variety of water-based polymers and a high-quality cement mixed with various additives. The flexibility of the polymer (resin) is integrated with the rigidity of the cement, making it excellent in impermeability and non-disruption. Its strengths are construction convenience, low overall cost, short construction period, and non-toxic and environmentally friendly. Therefore, polymer cement base has become the main waterproof coating on the market.

Key words laboratory emulsifier static mixer emulsification pump

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