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Selection of polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating
Time:2018/8/19 12:08:31 Read:919

High polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating refers to asphalt based material. The main production equipment is mainly high shear emulsifier. It is modified with recycled rubber, SBS, SBR and other modifiers and synthetic polymer. Water-based or solvent-based waterproof coating. Such coatings are much more improved than pitch-based coatings in terms of flexibility, crack resistance, tensile strength, high and low temperature resistance and service life. The varieties include recycled rubber modified asphalt waterproof coating, water-based neoprene asphalt waterproof coating and SBS rubber modified asphalt waterproof coating. It is suitable for waterproofing works of roof, floor, concrete basement and toilets of Class II, Class III and Class IV waterproofing. In the specific construction, the thickness of the coating film should meet the requirements of the following table:
Roof waterproofing degree Number of anti-channels Polymer modified asphalt waterproof coating Synthetic polymer waterproof coating
Class I Three or more lines of fortification - should not be less than 1.5mm
Class II, two-way fortification should not be less than 3mm, should not be less than 1.5mm
Class III A fortification should not be less than 3mm and should not be less than 2mm
Class III A fortification should not be less than 2mm —

Key words emulsifier static mixer basket mill laboratory emulsifier

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