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Emulsifier to prepare soy milk
Time:2018/8/17 13:23:26 Read:982

Soybeans soaked in water are added to the container, the appropriate purified water is added in proportion, and the emulsified working head is lowered to a suitable position below the liquid level of the container to start the emulsifier. Allow the emulsifier to run at high speed for about 30 minutes, and the soymilk is finished. Pour the soybean milk into another container with a sieve. After the pour is finished, remove the sieve, and then place the working head of the emulsifying machine in the appropriate position below the liquid level of the container, and turn on the emulsifying machine and electric heater, and then according to the ingredients. Add sugar and other seasonings, heat to 100 ° C, stop the emulsifier after ten minutes, and finish the soy milk. The processed soymilk is delicate and delicious, and it is a nutritious nutrient.


Key words emulsifier, basket mill, static (pipe) mixer, disperser, emulsification equipment

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