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Scientific choice of static mixer material
Time:2018/8/17 13:25:40 Read:892

Many users who choose a static mixer model have certain requirements for materials. The material of the static mixer is generally carbon steel, stainless steel, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, glass reinforced plastic, enamel tube, steel pipe lined with tetrafluoroethylene, sprayed polypropylene, etc.; the mixing unit is made of stainless steel, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, Spray polypropylene, glass steel, etc. If the inner and outer materials of the static mixer are required to be the same, the mixing effect should be considered. For example, if the outer casing is FRP, to achieve good mixing effect, then the SK type has no SX type mixing effect, and the mixing unit cannot be made of FRP material because The mixing unit made of this material can only be of the SK type, and it is necessary to make the SX type mixing unit from polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride. Therefore, when the user asks for the request, he must consider the feasibility of the processing of the mixer, and cannot blindly raise the requirements that are not feasible.

Key words emulsifier static mixer basket mill laboratory emulsifier

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