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Application of emulsifier in juice production
Time:2018/9/8 10:16:54 Read:919

    The process of fruit juice production is complex and demanding. Raw material selection→cleaning→beating→juicing→coarse filtration→mixing→homogeneous emulsification→heating→canning→sealing→sterilization→cooling.
First of all, it is necessary to strictly clean the fruit, and the cleaned fruit water is sent to the fruit crusher. After the crushing, the peel and the core need to be filtered and removed, and then the juice is transferred to the homogenized emulsion tank, in the homogenized tank, through the emulsifier. Emulsified and homogenized, processed into concentrated fruit pulp. According to the requirements of the juice ratio, pure water, sugar or other ingredients are added, and the emulsification machine is used for sterilizing and sterilizing the lamps. After passing the inspection, it will be aseptically filled, sealed and packed to complete all production processes and the finished products will be put into storage.

Key words emulsifier, basket mill, static mixer, disperser, emulsification equipment

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