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Comparison of new and old models of GS-II laboratory emulsifier
Time:2018/9/6 15:38:47 Read:940

The GS- III  series laboratory shear emulsifier is driven by a compact high speed micro motor with series excitation, which is suitable for mixing low medium and high viscosity liquid between laboratory and test vehicles, and shearing and emulsifying particles in liquid medium. The machine is composed of high speed motor, shearing emulsifying head and speed controller.

The operation speed of the GS-II laboratory shear emulsifier is controlled by microprocessor. It can effectively compensate the change of the speed caused by the load change and the fluctuation of the power supply voltage, and the constant speed is reliable; the built-in soft starting and automatic overload protection can guarantee the safety of the continuous operation of the full load of the experiment for a long time; the stepless adjustment of the speed is satisfied. In the experiment, the stirring speed was corrected at any time. The pre upgraded emulsifier did not have these functions. In addition, the new laboratory emulsifier has beautiful appearance, fluent lines, and more convenient and simple operation.

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