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Several problems in using process of high shear emulsifier (1)
Time:2018/8/21 23:11:06 Read:967

n the use of emulsifier, we must pay attention to several problems:
1, the emulsion head must be submerged in the solution, otherwise it will cause the bearing to burn out because of the high speed movement of the emulsifying head, and the transmission shaft will die.
2, emulsifying machine for some temperature sensitive materials, can not run for a long time, the barrel should be able to cool.
3, when the material is added, make sure that there are no iron impurities and hard objects in the material, otherwise, the stator teeth of the emulsifying head will be interrupted.
4. The emulsifying machine with mechanical seal must first open the machine seal cooling water before starting the machine, otherwise it will destroy the machine seal.

Keywords emulsifier, basket type lapping machine static mixer.

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