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Common faults and elimination methods of emulsifier
Time:2018/8/20 8:13:25 Read:1165

Emulsifying machine name many, generally referred to as high shear emulsifying machine, because it has the function of dispersing so called high shear emulsification machine, but also has a homogeneous mixing function, it is also called the high shear emulsifying machine, high shear emulsification machine. The emulsifying machine consists of intermittent and pipeline installation, in a container for batch emulsion machine, installed in the outer kettle for GuanXianShi emulsifying machine also called emulsion pump or continuous emulsifying machine. High shear emulsifying machine will have this or that problem in the use of the process, the problem of high shear emulsifying machine used in the process is summarized, for the majority of users.

faul   : Don't start running

Sarch for reasons

1, motor phase, wiring errors or loose wiring column
2、the   stirring head after use is not timely cleaning

Terms of settlement

1, check the input power and electrical wiring, the equipment should be used 380V power, remove loose

2  after  each use, should promptly clean the mixing head.
The rotor rotation is not flexible or not,

The rotor rotation is not flexible or not:

Sarch for reasons

1、sliding bearings may be killed
2、the rotor and the stator clamping

Terms of settlement

1、the rotor and the stator, the sleeve and the shaft bearing surface separation, remove burrs,                 lubricating oil or replacement of wear parts.
2、 check whether the rotor and the stator with debris, debris removal.

When rotating, the collision sounds:

Sarch for reasons

1, the sleeve is worn, and the rotor is stuck on the stator.

2, the deformation of the agitator
Terms of settlement

1, replace the shaft sleeve.

2, go to the manufacturer to help solve.

Rotor shedding:

Sarch for reasons

Motor steering inverse

Terms of settlement

Replace wiring to turn the motor clockwise (looking down from the motor side).

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