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Name of the emulsifier
Time:2018/8/19 9:02:46 Read:1045

There are many names of emulsifying machines. Because of the relative speed of the stator and the shear force between the stator teeth, it is also called the high shear emulsifying machine. The emulsifier can be crushed, mixed and dispersed, which ensures that the material is rapidly dispersed in different phase states when the material passes through the stator of the emulsifier. So the emulsifier is also called high shear mixed emulsifier and high shear dispersing emulsifier. The emulsifier is fixed in the kettle with two kinds: one is inserted from the top and is fixed. The emulsifying machine is inserted from the bottom of the pot to fix the bottom of the kettle, which is called the emulsifier for the bottom of the pot. There is also a mobile emulsifier installed on the mobile bracket, which can be lifted or lowered, and the lifting mode has pneumatic lifting and hydraulic lifting. It is called pipeline high shear emulsifying machine which can be continuously emulsified outside the kettle, also called emulsion pump, or pipeline emulsifier, on-line emulsifier, continuous emulsifier, homogeneous emulsifying pump and so on. Mobile and fixed emulsifying machines are batches in batch and are intermittent, so they are also called batch emulsifying machines.

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