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Shanghai Hong Sheng Electrical and Mechanical Technology Co., Ltd
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The latest product
Time:2018/8/9 21:35:23 Read:1223

Our latest product: ultra high speed emulsion pump, also known as ultra high speed high shear homogeneous emulsion pump, speed up to 9000 r/min, linear speed up to 52 m/s. CGRW series in-line scattered high shear emulsifying machine has the very high shear rate and shear force, the particle size of about 0.2 to 2 microns can ensure rapid dispersion stability of the emulsion. CGRW is a three-level high shear online dispersion machine for producing very fine emulsions and suspensions. The shear force in the working chamber greatly increases the transport of materials, speeding up the dissolution rate of monolecule and macromolecule. The three-level rotor assembly (dispersing head) ensures that the droplets are small or small and the distribution is narrow. This process can keep the mixture of a single mixture stable for a long time, especially when mixed emulsion

Super high speed machine can meet the production needs of high-end products, suitable for large-scale production such as food, medicine and fine chemical products. Super high speed series emulsifying pumps meet the cleaning standard of CIP and sip.

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